WASHINGTON – Emergency Order Issued in Response to Coronavirus

For clarification on your specific plan, give Core Columbia Insurance a call at 206-258-6820. We are always here to provide straight answers, and to help you gain access to care.

Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler issued an emergency order to Washington state health insurers requiring them to waive copays and deductibles for any consumer requiring testing for coronavirus (COVID-19).

Insurers also must:

  • Allow a one-time early refill for prescription drugs
  • Suspend any prior authorization requirement for treatment or testing of COVID-19

In addition, if an insurer does not have enough medical providers in its network to provide testing or treatment for COVID-19, it must allow enrollees to be treated by another provider within a reasonable distance at no additional cost.

The order is effective immediately and applies to all state-regulated health insurance plans and short-term limited duration medical plans until May 4, 2020.