Washington Health Plan Finder Unemployment Income Reminder and CSR Information

As a reminder, the Federal Pandemic Unemployment is countable income for Qualified health plans with tax credits and is not countable income for Washington Apple Health (Medicaid). If you have any questions or need to update your income, Core Columbia Insurance is always here to provide straightforward, up to date answers to all of your questions – give us a call at 206-258-6820.

Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) Tiers

Changes to income can change eligibility. Much of the recommended Qualified Health Plan shopping are based on eligibility of Cost-Sharing Reduction (CSR) tier per household members seeking coverage. The CSR tiers drives the system to make recommendations for different “Groups”.

What are Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) Tiers?

Cost Sharing Reductions (CSR) reduce the copay, deductible, and other out-of-pocket costs for individuals and families that are eligible based on many different factors including eligibility for tax credits. These out-of-pocket savings apply only to silver-level Qualified Health Plans. There are no CSRs for platinum, gold, bronze, or catastrophic health plans, and they are not available for Qualified Dental Plans. American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) customers may be eligible for CSRs on additional Qualified Health Plan types.

Unemployment Compensation, The CARES Act, and Your Eligibility for Marketplace Subsidy in CA and WA

Unemployment Compensation

In the CARES Act, Congress authorized a new federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation program, which provides an additional $600 in federal benefits per week of weeks of unemployment ending on or before July 31, 2020.

If you had a change in income, you may be eligible or free, or lower cost health insurance. Give Core Columbia Insurance a call in California at 619-259-6905, or in Washington at 206-258-6820. We are always here to provide straight answers, process all necessary changes to your account on your behalf, and ensure you are able to obtain the health coverage you need at the lowest price available.

This type of unemployment income is excluded for purposes of calculating Medicaid eligibility, but included for purposes of determining tax credit eligibility in the Covered California and Washington Health Plan Finder Systems.

  • New and existing clients should not include the additional $600 per week when reporting their unemployment benefit income.
    • This includes households with tax credit enrolled members only.
    • New and existing clients already receiving MediCaid should not report income changes in their application during the COVID-19 emergency.
    • Families who have members on MediCaid, and members receiving tax credits or qualified health plan coverage should continue to report changes in income to see if they qualify for no cost or lower cost care.
  • The Exchanges in CA and WA are working on system updates (planned by end of June) that would allow new and existing clients receiving both tax credits and the additional $600 per week to correctly account for it. More information is forthcoming as additional regulatory options are also explored. Core Columbia Insurance is always here for you, working remotely, to provide straightforward, up to date answers to all of your questions. Give us a call in California at 619-259-6905, or in Washington at 206-258-6820.